Delta's OCC (Operations and Customer Center) manages over 5,600 flights daily on 1,200+ aircraft worldwide. For this project, I partnered with Politico's Focus team and Halo Media to bring to life the story of Delta's "nerve center" in a fully-illustrated, parallax interactive editorial.
The project presented many exciting challenges, both technical and creative and required a deeply cooperative process in order to execute the inter-connected vignettes with visuals that felt like organic extensions of Delta's world-class brand.
The first part of the process was breaking down the story into 3 distinct customer journeys, showing the different facets of the work the OCC team does. From there, I started to brainstorm "hero images" around which to anchor each scenario.
Once we found the hero image, it was time to start storyboarding. This part of the process was very collaborative and required the input of everyone involved, as we strived to find the best way to surprise and delight the reader and tell the story in the most impactful way possible.
During the storyboarding process, and later during revisions, I put together a few crude animatics to clarify some of the interactions. This allowed every one to be on the same page for some of the interactions that were a little harder to visualize based on the static thumbnail sketches.